Monday, June 20, 2011

Angry Birds.. maybe

Today, I attended the BBDO Worldwide seminar first. It was much more interesting than I would have expected, since the description said it would be about making a billion dollars. It ended up focusing on how different screens affect different people in their different lives, depending on age and nationality. I especially found it funny that they compared a cell phone to a lover, but really it’s true. A cell phone is the first thing most people reach for in the morning.
Next, was Malcolm Gladwell’s talk about not being first, but third. He was an excellent storyteller, but I actually already knew the story he told. His talk, however, gave me a better perspective on how unconventional principles relate to advertising. Speaking of unconventional, the phd presentation talked about a lot of far-fetched futuristic ideas. It was interesting, but too much at times.
Eventually after touring Microsoft, I ended up at the Google beach party. This was probably the highlight of the day, considering I got business cards from people at Google and from Angry Birds. It was much easier to network with people in a friendly setting like that. The Angry Birds people came with us to another party, and Peter Vesterbacka actually ended up being a speaker for tomorrow.  They may or may not have offered me an internship as well. We’ll see how it plays out. In any event, it will surely be a very interesting connection…

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